Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Little Light Reading

Abby often checks the mail with me. Well one day last month sometime, she checked it on a day when I got my weekly TIME magazine. She promptly grabbed the mag, ran for a lawn chair in the back yard and "read" the entire magazine. She was so engrossed that I had to grab the camera and document the moment.

(reading about the mortgage crisis)

She often chooses to listen to the news over music on the radio. And if she is trying to butter me up, she'll ask, "Wanna watch the news, Mama?" She can identify & name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, whom she calls "Hillry Chicken." I wonder if our Secretary of State would find that as cute as I do. And for the record, I always correct her pronunciation.


Gloria said...

So endearing, so life inspiring! Love sharing in the achievments and the downs as well as the ups. So looking forward to more.

Trojan Gordon said...

seems you might have a reader in Abby and she does have a high brow taste! She is a real cutie!

My name is Erin. said...

Thanks, Gloria! She's a funny little girl.

My name is Erin. said...

Oh yeah, she's been a "reader" since about 6 months old. She would sit on the floor and look through books for the longest time. She went through a phase where she wouldn't let us read to her, she wanted to "read" by herself. She sleeps with books in her bed and her nightstand is really a mini bookshelf. She LOVES books. And magazines.

Dani G said...

Brodie's #1 love is books. At 2 they called her hyperlexic because she identified all the letters and numbers before she could say "mama", but it hasn't kept up (she isn't reading words at 4). Still, she LOVES to read books. Library is her favorite place. Also, she loves Obama. My mom got her a children's book about his life. Also, I subscribe to TIME, too. Do you think we're soul sisters??

My name is Erin. said...

Dani! We just might be! Joel Stein ROCKS MY WORLD! I live for the Awesome Column each week. I think you've been through so much more therapies and positive doc appts with Brodie than I have with Abby. Noone recognized anything about her at the age of two or anything else. I had to cry and yell for anyone to listen to me. So frustrating. We REALLY need to meet for coffee and a playdate the next time we're in Detroit area.

Fidgeting Gidget said...

I seriously think you should send this pic to the White House. It is THAT good. :)

My name is Erin. said...

F.G.- I have to admit that did cross my mind. She is so cute and she actually talks about Barack Obama quite often for a 4 year old. She's so funny!

Unknown said...

She looks so much like her dad in the last picture! Lame comment, I know, but I was always in the gray area about who she looked like. Adorable!